Friday, April 1, 2011

Signs of growth

So I love Disneyland. And I love that lots of my friends have Disneyland passes. I tend to go quite often, usually with a crew from church or camp. Occasionally we'll round up the few of us passholders at work, but that's definitely a rarer experience. But today a friend from work and I headed out to visit the mouse, just the two of us. We've been spending a lot of time together at work, training and whatnot, but this was our first solo hangout that didn't involve animals or chemistry. And it was great! We had a lot of fun blasting through Toy Story Mania, snagging some fresh sourdough bread, and singing like the birdies sing at his personal favorite, the Tiki Room.

All was great and not at all awkward or anything, which I loved. Cause to the outsider, it might have appeared a date--something that once upon a time I would have avoided even the appearance of if it wasn't. Used to be I was so concerned about giving guys the wrong impression that I basically just gave them no impression at all and sometimes just avoided them. Thankfully, because of some great guy friends at camp, I've grown and enjoyed a great night with a good friend. And while the thought of "what might have been" back in the day kind of makes me sad of missed opportunities, I am realizing and thankful for the fact that I am not where I was back then, still today. It's always good to see signs of growth, you know?

Oh yeah, and we ran into my sister and her friend in line for Indy and, upon arriving home, I DID get the question I knew she was DYING to know at the park: "Hey were you on a date tonight? My friend and I think you make a cute couple!" Oh sisters...

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