Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Me 'on blast.'

Middle schoolers are crazy. Even when they hit high school, the craziness doesn't suddenly go away--it just changes a bit. Tonight we had a room full of probably 150+ middle AND high school students, all running around and playing all sorts of different games and sports competitions for over an hour. Then, AFTER that hour+ of crazy play time, we sat them all down and attempted to focus and present them with the gospel.

A acquaintance from camp, Megan, was asked to come share the gospel with the group tonight. She's been the spirit girl for the high school camp for multiple summers and is a SUPER high-energy, crazy, slightly intense and fun person herself. As I was grabbing a seat right before she got up to speak, she grabbed my attention with an, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're here!! I'm TOTALLY gonna share that story of that crazy girls' night you all ran at Wildwood were 'God,' right? Oh my gosh! I've been sharing this story for a few weeks now and now you're actually here!!!" Made me smile, made my pulse go up just a bit (mostly because she was even super intense in that brief personal interaction, lol), and made me excited/slightly nervous to hear her share about that crazy night we ran 3 summers ago. So I sat and listened.

Aaannnddd...halfway through, after she'd explained most all of the night and told everyone what role I'd played in it all, she was like, "Kari, I'm totally gonna put you 'on blast' here...stand up and tell us what you'd tell those girls each week!" Oh gosh. Suddenly there were a couple hundred pairs of eyes in the room on me, as I stood and strained to remember what I'd communicated on that crazy intense night--and communicate it now on this not-quite-that-crazy-intense one. And I think I did decently.

Oddly enough, those girls' nights have been on my mind a bit lately, and I've been thinking about what I shared week after week about how Jesus has freed them now and forever from their sins. So even though being put 'on blast' was something that kinda made me just a bit nervous, it honestly was at least somewhat fresh in my mind. Coincidence? More like a God-thing.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason
for the hope that you have..."
[1 Peter 3:15]

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