Saturday, October 16, 2010


I hate confrontation. I'm very much a people-pleaser, and dread big arguments and conflict, avoiding them like the plague whenever I can. Sometimes this makes for smooth sailing, since I rarely bring problems up unless they're huge. Sometimes this makes me a little bitter and frustrated inside. Sometimes this leads to more conflict when the issues finally get brought up down the line. It's not something I'm proud of, definitely something I've been striving to work on.

Today I confronted something that should have been a small problem, yet instead of letting it go on and fester and become a bigger problem--either internally or externally--I brought it up. Nicely, I thought; maybe I'm just really not as good at this "nicely" thing as I thought. Because once again, things blew up in my face. Kind of caught me by surprise, the ferocity of the attack and how fast it turned. Kind of put me in a funk for the rest of the day. Kind of hurt, big time. And now life has to continue going on as before, when I feel like I've been punched in the face by a friend for no good reason.

I hate confrontation.

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