Friday, April 15, 2011


Life's been going at 100 miles per hours lately, it seems. So today, after a nearly 10-hour day at work with annoying children, I decided to take the long walk back to my car...up, over, and around the hill. I've hiked this trail countless times, but always with a train of 5th graders in tow; today I was excited to experience it in the quiet and solitude I'd always imagined.

So I hiked. And I listened. And I prayed. And I even kicked off my Tom's and walked barefoot on the hard-packed clay and rocks, placing my feet right next to the coyote tracks cemented after the last rain. Dodging anthills in a goofy little sidestepping dance. Hoping I didn't run into a rattler or a mountain lion after weeks of no field trips at this site. And although my feet might have gotten a couple of small pricklies in them, it was totally worth it. My only regret is that I didn't take the longer trail...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brains or BS?

So my friend from work is designing some science workshops to teach this summer. We've talked about them a bit at work, he's told me a bit about what he has in mind and I've shot a couple ideas back. And then tonight he called me to bounce some more ideas off me and see what I think. Me, who does NOT have a degree in biology like he does. Me, who hardly took ANY science classes in high school or college.

We talked for an hour and a half. I never knew I had so much to contribute to a week-long science "camp" on ecosystems or natural resources. But apparently I've learned a lot in my last 4 years as a field naturalist. Or have a lot of great and adaptable camp ideas. Or I've gotten really good at BS. Mostly and amazingly, I'm learning towards the first two...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Signs of growth

So I love Disneyland. And I love that lots of my friends have Disneyland passes. I tend to go quite often, usually with a crew from church or camp. Occasionally we'll round up the few of us passholders at work, but that's definitely a rarer experience. But today a friend from work and I headed out to visit the mouse, just the two of us. We've been spending a lot of time together at work, training and whatnot, but this was our first solo hangout that didn't involve animals or chemistry. And it was great! We had a lot of fun blasting through Toy Story Mania, snagging some fresh sourdough bread, and singing like the birdies sing at his personal favorite, the Tiki Room.

All was great and not at all awkward or anything, which I loved. Cause to the outsider, it might have appeared a date--something that once upon a time I would have avoided even the appearance of if it wasn't. Used to be I was so concerned about giving guys the wrong impression that I basically just gave them no impression at all and sometimes just avoided them. Thankfully, because of some great guy friends at camp, I've grown and enjoyed a great night with a good friend. And while the thought of "what might have been" back in the day kind of makes me sad of missed opportunities, I am realizing and thankful for the fact that I am not where I was back then, still today. It's always good to see signs of growth, you know?

Oh yeah, and we ran into my sister and her friend in line for Indy and, upon arriving home, I DID get the question I knew she was DYING to know at the park: "Hey were you on a date tonight? My friend and I think you make a cute couple!" Oh sisters...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dance til you're dead

That's what about 15 of us middle school ministry staff did at church today! From about 1-10pm we were down in the basement, whipping our hair back and forth, partying in the USA, and so much more oh baby, baby, baby! Why, you may ask? Because tonight was our first annual MSM Mock Rock event! We had about 30 kids show up for the festivities, and they danced and sang and laughed along with us.

Now, dancing is so NOT my thing! But it's amazing what you do for the sake of ministry and what you can accomplish when you don't stop believing. And even though our bodies might hurt tomorrow morning, at least we're all in this together...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here I go again

My third--and final, hallelujah!--weekend away in a row this month, this time to the desert with some work friends. And when I say work friends, I mostly just mean one and his wife and a bunch of their friends, some who I met one time, others who were completely new to me. This in itself is definitely a "tiny danger" faced for me; I'm one who likes to know there'll be someone around who's familiar in the midst of new people and new places. But not this time around, and it was an adventure...a booze-drinking, pot-smoking, f-word dropping good time. Definitely not the crowd I'm used to hanging around with, but all in all a good trip nonetheless. I did get to spend a lot of time hanging out with my friend and his wife, who were also abstaining from the other "festivities." We climbed some giant piles of rocks, tried not to blow away in the night as the winds roared around and against our tents; I've never been so thankful for that oh-so-thin nylon or whatever tents are made out of, it sure kept the wind out! Anyway, it was a different trip, but good...I'm making some new friends and they're noticing something different about me. Here's hoping God can use that down the line...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Another busy weekend.

This weekend I...

>Made some great new friends.

>Had a couple awesome, encouraging heart-to-hearts.

>Stayed up WAY past my bedtime!

>Went tubing down a snowy hill in the midnight.

>Was inspired by all this and more to really pursue God, really live intentionally in all I say and do.

"Hey now, this is my desire, consume me like a fire
Cause I just want something beautiful to touch me
I know that I'm in reach, cause I am down on my knees
Waiting for something beautiful..."
[Needtobreathe, "Something Beautiful"]

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week in review

It's been a week since I last posted on here--and believe me, I have good excuses! Life has been busy, and it's not slowing down anytime soon. But on the upside, I'm out and about living life and finding tiny dangers all along the way! For instance...

>Went to middle school winter camp this weekend! 'Nuff said.

>Learned--and taught--a new 5th grade program on chemistry this week. Which is especially exciting, since I never took chemistry. But I think I've got the basics down now.

>On the second time teaching the aforementioned chemistry program, I definitely accidentally cussed in front of my students. Need to remember to enunciate particularly carefully when talking about acids...

>Went out to lunch with a work friend today, and enjoyed the chance to get to know her better!

>Danced with all my siblings to amazing hits brought to you by artists such as...Justin Bieber.....Pink......N*Sync........Hansen. Yep, it was an epic our-sister-leaves-for-Ukraine-again-tomorrow last night together.

Yep, it's been a good, busy week. Just the way it should be.